What is the recommended way to store videos in elasticsearch?

I have a use case where I would like to store an MJPEG video and its meta information like the date the video was created, the location of the video, the name, etc. Storing all other information is fine, but I have no advantage in storing video data in elastic search since it doesn't play any role in search. So I have a lot of confusion about whether to store the video in elastic search or store it in another datastore. Please suggest. If it needs to be stored in elasticsearch how can I achieve it using java. Is saving video saved in Elastic search?


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1 answer

Videos can be saved to Elasticsearch using the Attachment plugin or saved to binary .

However, since you are suggesting to keep it outside of Elasticsearch, it might be better to keep the video link in ES and ask your app to find the video using the link.

In my environment, I store enough data in ES that users can search and return relevant search results - when they select a record to see more details, the information comes from an Oracle database.



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