Connecting to Google Cloud datastore with go

I am trying to connect to a cloud storage from Go. I used the sample code given here - .

These are the relevant bits of my code:

func getCtx() context.Context {
    // Initialize an authorized transport with Google Developers Console
    // JSON key. Read the google package examples to learn more about
    // different authorization flows you can use.
    opts, err := oauth2.New(
    if err != nil {

    //titanium-goods-766 is the project id for CassandraTest (under

    ctx := cloud.NewContext("titanium-goods-766", &http.Client{Transport: opts.NewTransport()})

    // Use the context (see other examples)
    return ctx

type contactInfoEntity struct {
    EmailKey  *datastore.Key
    FirstName string
    LastName  string

func main() {
    ctx := getCtx()
    fmt.Println("successfully got context", ctx)

    err := putEntity(ctx, "fname1", "lname1", "email1")

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)
    } else {

func putEntity(ctx context.Context, firstName string, lastName string, email string) error {
    key := datastore.NewKey(ctx, "contactInfoEntity", email, 0, nil)

    contactInfoEntity := contactInfoEntity{
        EmailKey:  key,
        FirstName: firstName,
        LastName:  lastName,

    _, err := datastore.Put(ctx, key, &contactInfoEntity)

    return err


I am getting this error consistently.

Error: error during call, http status code: 403 Unauthorized.


I have disconnected and reconnected the datastore api multiple times (as suggested here: All requests return 403 Unauthorized ). I also tried to remove and add the service account.

(I tried to connect my compute engine instance to the datastore using the steps here - and it works fine).

Has anyone connected to cloud storage?

Regards, Sathya


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1 answer

Cloud storage access requires two areas: datastore.ScopeDatastore

and datastore.ScopeUserEmail


opts, err := oauth2.New(
    oauth2.Scope(datastore.ScopeDatastore, datastore.ScopeUserEmail),




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