How do I sanitize an array of objects in a node? Iterating through it manually returns an Object,

I have an array of objects like this:

var msg =  [ 
             { msg: 'text' },
             { src: 'pic.jpg',id: 21,title: 'ABC' } 


I'm trying to misinform the values ​​by manually iterating through the server side object, but the module will just return [ '[object Object]', '[object Object]' ]

in the console.

socket.on('message', function(msg){
 if (io.sockets.adapter.rooms[][] == true)
   var fun = [];
   for(var j in msg){
     fun[j] = sanitizer.sanitize(msg[j]);



Can anyone show me how to properly sanitize an object?


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1 answer

Something like this should do the trick:

var fun = [];
for(var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++){  // Don't use to iterate over an array.
    fun[i] = msg[i];                 // Copy the current object.
    for(var j in fun[i]){           // Iterate over the properties in this object.
        fun[i][j] = sanitizer.sanitize(fun[i][j]); // Sanitize the properties.




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