Random sampling from a large raster layer

I have a large Rasterlayer with integers from 0 to 44.

class       : RasterLayer
dimensions  : 29800, 34470, 1027206000  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution  : 10, 10  (x, y)
extent      : 331300, 676000, 5681995, 5979995  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs
data source : /home/mkoehler/stk_rast_whz
names       : stk_rast_whz
values      : 0, 44  (min, max)


I want to make a stratified sample of 5000 points per stratum. I am getting the following error:

POINTS<-sampleStratified(b, size=5000, na.rm=T, xy=F)
(Error in ys[[i]] <- y : attempt to select less than one element)


Here is the code that reproduces the problems (even if only selecting 1 item per stratum):

 r <- raster(ncol=5000, nrow=5000)
 names(r) <- 'stratum'
 r[] <- round((runif(ncell(r)))*44)

 sampleStratified(r, size=1,xy=T)

Error in ys[[i]] <- y : attempt to select less than one element


Trying with fewer layers and changing the "size" or "exp" settings has no effect. R: [64-bit] C: \ Program Files \ R \ R-3.1.1

Any ideas?



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1 answer

This seems to be a bug (as in raster

2.3-12) and occurs when (1) your raster object contains cells with a value 0

and (2) the raster cannot be processed in memory (i.e. canProcessInMemory(r)



The function iterates over the values ​​of the unique cells it creates freq(r)

, and then indexes the list in turn on each of these values. If one of these values ​​is zero, an error will be raised because the 0th element does not exist. For example:

# Error in list()[[0]] : attempt to select less than one element]


You will notice that no error is thrown if you fill in r

with, for example r[] <- sample(44, ncell(r), replace=TRUE)

, since it will not have zeros.

When the raster can be processed in memory, the function iterates over the line numbers freq(r)

, and therefore subsequent indexing of the list is reasonable.

I contacted the maintainer to report this bug.

In the meantime, as an interim fix, you can use something like the following to adjust a copy of the function (which will remain available in the current R session).

sampleStratified2 <- 
  eval(parse(text=sub('sr\\[, 2\\] == i', 'sr[, 2] == f[i, 1]',
                      sub('i in f\\[, 1\\]', 'i in seq_len(nrow(f))',

sampleStratified2(r, size=1, xy=TRUE)




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