What is the difference between route.MapMvcAttributeRoutes () and context.Routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes ();

I have an mvc app with an additional scope named account

I use MvcSiteMapProvider

to make bread crumbs

I have an activity that returns data for a specific invoice. This action URL is similar to localhost/account/profile/invs-histr/details/ID

where ID is the invoice ID.

I have accountAreaRegistration.cs

for registering area routes and I have RouteConfig.cs

for registering global routes.

I currently need to register a route for localhost/account/profile/invs-histr/details/ID

in both files. If I don't register this route in accountAreaRegistration.cs

, I have 404 exception

. If I don't register this route in RouteConfig.cs

, the breadcrumbs are not displayed.

Start of file RouteConfig.cs


public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)


And accountAreaRegistration.cs


public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)


Can someone explain to me what is the difference between routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes()

and context.Routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes()


Why would I need to register a route in both files?

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

This is an extension method, so the object from which you call it is the first parameter. This parameter is RouteCollection

, and this collection is different in both cases:

  • The first call registers controller routes "at the root" of the application that have routing attributes
  • The second call does the same for the controllers inside the current scope

If you want to avoid a second call for each area, you can decorate your controllers with an attribute [RouteArea("AreaName")]


If you'd like to better understand attribute routing, see this document: Attribute Routing in ASP.NET MVC 5 Pay special attention to the Scopes section.



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