Android studio resolution dependencies are so slow

After the release of Android Android Studio IDE, I decided to migrate to Android studio from eclipse. But I am having problems using Android Studio. When I create a simple hello world android studio gradle app: handling permission dependencies is too slow. After waiting, I want to run the application on an emulator / device. When run on emulator / device, dependencies are resolved again and I wait over and over.

How can Android Studio be faster than it is now? Or is there something else I'm missing?

Thank you in advance

PS: Android version 1.0.1


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2 answers

what i did was set up my studio.exe.vmoptions .

First of all, you will find it in the folder: / android-studio / bin . If you are using x86 OS you need to edit studio.exe.vmoptions. If you are using 64-bit architecture, edit studio64.exe.vmoptions.

When you open one of these files, you will find something like:



-XX: MaxPermSize = 250m

-XX: ReservedCodeCacheSize = 64m

Well, you will find more lines, but are important in this case.

I edited them for these new values:



-XX: MaxPermSize = 1024M

-XX: ReservedCodeCacheSize = 256m

You have to consider how much RAM your computer has. This way you can change the values ​​until you find the best performance. Perhaps -Xmx2048m is enougth or better in your case.

After that, you need to edit your gradle config in Android Studio. Click: File -> Settings

On the left side of the open window, you will find Project Settings . Select Complier (Gradle Android Projects) . On the right side you will find:

VM parameters: -Xmx4096m -XX: MaxPermSize = 1024 m

Change these options with the same values ​​(for -Xmx and -XX) that you wrote in the studio.exe.vmoptions file .

And lastly, in the same window, on the left, select Gradle . On the right side, you will find Gradle Virtual Machine Settings . You should write the same values ​​there.

It works great for me. I hope this helps.



In case of slow connection or using custom repositories, apart from Maven Central

, you may face such problems.

I also recommend that you do not use the sign +

in dependency version names.

For example:

compile 'com.example:lib:1.+'


will be slower than

compile 'com.example:lib:1.0'




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