GridView and placeholders that never disappear in Windows 8 and Windows Phone app

I have a universal app targeting Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1. Both apps use GridView to display data.

Sometimes, only placeholders are displayed instead of actual items. This is a known behavior, the GridView shows placeholders on scrolling and it doesn't have enough time to render the actual items and ultimately render them.

But in my case, places just stay there, the GridView never shows the actual times. This happens on both Windows Phone and Windiws, so I think the GridView issue must be the issue.

Has anyone experienced this? Any clue would be appreciated.

Here's a screenshot, notice the rendering of the gray rectangles instead of the actual items (like the first one).

enter image description here

GridDefinition is pretty simple:

            ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TrackListingTemplate}"
            ItemsSource="{Binding Tracks}" />


The element template is just a grid with a TextBlock and some images.

The memory size is also ok, around 100 MB.


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1 answer

Not a good solution, but setting it ShowsScrollingPlaceholders=false

disables all placeholders. According to the documentation white space should be visible instead of items, but it isn't, the whole GridView frezees within a second.



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