Xamarin Formats: Image Slider: CarouselPage - Out of Memory
I am using CarouselPage to show a bunch of images and I want the user to be able to drag through them. CarouselPage will seem like the best option, but now that I use it, I'm not sure anymore.
My emulator is running out of memory and when I test it on a real mobile device it crashes. There are only 56 images to show, but CarouselPage cannot handle it. A carousel page is suitable for such a task, if yes: how can I make it faster.
This is the code I am using to add PhotoPages.
foreach (Photo p in Gallery.Photos) {
// Get the photo path on device.
string path = DataAccessor.GetPhotoPath (p);
PhotoPage page= new PhotoPage (path);
Children.Add (page);
PhotoPage is just an ImageView inside a ContentPage.
So, other than adding fewer children to the carousel, is there a way to use the carousel page as an image slider without memory exceptions or frozen screens? Or is there another solution to create ImageSlider without using CarouselPage.
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I also faced a similar problem. What I have done so far is added, let's say 5 pages, when I go to the next page, remove the first child from the CarouselPage and add another child to the end of the CarouselPage. If you can limit the number of children (ex: 5) at a time, you can avoid this exception.
Android may appear adding below line in manifest.
<application android:largeHeap="true"></application>
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