Mongoose object id is null

I am creating a Registration (Mongoose Schema) object and I need to set it Id

in User

with this line:registrationId: registration._id});

However, Id

still null

even if it's a callback function? When I check the database, the Register has an Id, of course, but not in the callback. How to set Id

in Registration

in User


Edit2: changed to minimal example. It gives out two times null


exports.create = function(req, res) {
  Registration.create(req.body, function(err, registration) {
    if(err) { return handleError(res, err); }


    return res.json(201, registration);


Edit: This is the outline (I haven't used some of the fields that are not required):

'use strict';

var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var RegistrationSchema = new Schema({

    isReservation: Boolean,

    //Id of the trip
    tripId: String,

    codeGerechtige: String,
    socialMutualityNumberParent1: String,
    socialMutualityNumberParent2: String,

    userId: String,
    firstnameContact: String,
    lastnameContact: String,
    emailContact: String,
    streetContact: String,
    streetNumberContact: String,
    zipcodeContact: String,
    busContact: String,
    cityContact: String,
    phoneContact: String,
    gsmContact: String,
    socialSecurityNumberContact: String,

    //coordinats of person that pays

    //child information

    //emergency contacts
    emergencyContacts: [{
        firstName: String,
        lastName: String,
        phone: String

    extraInfo: String


module.exports = mongoose.model('Registration', RegistrationSchema);


Problem and Solution: The problem was that the client sent the _id = null attribute and therefore MongoDB / Mongoose did not update the id.


source to share

2 answers

There must be something else in your code that does this. This example works as expected for me:

'use strict';

var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    Schema = mongoose.Schema;


var RegistrationSchema = new Schema({

    isReservation: Boolean,

    //Id of the trip
    tripId: String,

    codeGerechtige: String,
    socialMutualityNumberParent1: String,
    socialMutualityNumberParent2: String,

    userId: String,
    firstnameContact: String,
    lastnameContact: String,
    emailContact: String,
    streetContact: String,
    streetNumberContact: String,
    zipcodeContact: String,
    busContact: String,
    cityContact: String,
    phoneContact: String,
    gsmContact: String,
    socialSecurityNumberContact: String,

    //coordinats of person that pays

    //child information

    //emergency contacts
    emergencyContacts: [{
        firstName: String,
        lastName: String,
        phone: String

    extraInfo: String


var Registration = mongoose.model('Registration', RegistrationSchema);

var reg = {
    userId: '1234',
    tripId: '2345',
    firstnameContact: 'Timothy',
    lastnameContact: 'Strimple',
    emailContact: ''

Registration.create(reg, function(err, registration) {
    if(err) { throw err; }


I am getting a valid ID written to the console.



removing _id from req.body fixed my problem.

if(req.body._id === null) {
  delete req.body._id;




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