Can't create separate list

I have a problem creating a linked list: I don't know where I am making a mistake in the code, can you please help me? Here's the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LENGTH 255

struct node {
    int info;
    struct node *next;
} *head = NULL;

int create(FILE **data){
    char read[LENGTH];
    printf("Write data file name: ");
    scanf("%s", read);
    *data = fopen (read, "r");

    if (data == NULL) {
        printf("Error reading given file.");

    return 0;

int put_Symbols_into_list(FILE *data) {

    struct node *new_node, *current;
    char c;

    printf("Data given: ");
    while (!feof(data)){
        new_node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof (struct node));
        c = fscanf(data, "%s", &new_node -> info);
        printf("%s ", &new_node -> info);

        if (head == NULL){
            head = new_node;
            current = new_node;
        } else {
            current -> next = new_node;
            current = new_node;


int main() {
    FILE *data;
    struct node *n;
    return 0;


The steps I am doing are: read the data file for the string and put it in a new node; if the HEAD node does not contain any data in it, put the read data into it; otherwise put it in a new node. Loop this until there is no data left in the data file. You can create a new data file and put data there, for example 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6



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3 answers

You don't put current->next

in NULL after adding a new node. This will cause a problem when trying to browse the list, since you will not know where it ends. I hope this is the problem you are facing.

Also you have redundant code as current

it will always point to new_node

after adding it. So you don't need to put it in the if and else block. Just a tip.



You forgot to make the last node a NULL dot . This will be extremely important when you try to go through your list and display it.

int put_Symbols_into_list(FILE *data) 
    struct node *new_node, *current;
    char c;

    printf("Data given: ");
    while (!feof(data)){
        new_node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof (struct node));
        c = fscanf(data, "%d", &new_node -> info);
        printf("%d ", new_node->info);

        if (head == NULL){
            head = new_node;
            current = new_node;
        } else {
            current->next = new_node;
            current = new_node;
            new_node->next = NULL;      // << added

    return 0;




In addition to the above answers, you are declaring current

as a local variable in put_Symbols_into_list

rather than initializing current

. Every time you log out put_Symbols_into_list

, the value current

may be lost. You either need to declare current

as static struct node *current

, pass it as a parameter, or declare it globally. I would prefer a static approach in this setup.



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