Procedure call from Vec <proc () & # 8594; uint>

While trying to answer an array of Rust functions (which has been answered excellently), I came up with the following code:

fn main() {
    let mut a : Vec<proc() -> uint>;
    for i in range(0u, 11) {
        a[i] = proc(){i};
    println!("{} {} {}", a[1](), a[5](), a[9]());


Please ignore the fact that it is proc

deprecated, I just realized that this is what should be used instead of closures (I was not aware of move

and unpacked closures at this time).

However, I was unable to call the elements of the vector due to the fact that:

 <anon>:6:26: 6:30 error: cannot move out of dereference (dereference is implicit, due to indexing)
 <anon>:6     println!("{} {} {}", a[1](), a[5](), a[9]());


What does this error mean? Shouldn't it return uint



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were closures that could only be used once, and thus were consumed.

In your situation, this would mean moving the closure out Vec<>

to consume it, which is not possible, since indexing is a pointer dereference &

that only allows immutable access.



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