How to disable Spring Tool Suite 3.6.2 in Eclipse Luna?

I'm trying to disable the automatic start of the STS control panel, but I can't find any option in Window-> Preferences -> Spring -> Dashboard that was present in older versions.

If I close this window, it reopens after every start of Eclipse. Are there any solutions? I would prefer a solution without reinstalling anything in order to gain a deeper understanding. Thank.


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2 answers

The problem you are facing is a bug [*] in STS 3.6.2, and as you noticed, it is fixed in 3.6.3.

There used to be a "open control panel on startup" option that you could disable from the settings page, as some people have suggested. In 3.6.2 this setting is automatically disabled when you close the dashboard and accordingly the option has been removed from the preference page (since there is no reason to disable it there as it does automatically now). The option still exists under the hood, but without a preference page UI to change it.

Unfortunately there was a bug in the "disable on close" feature which meant it was disabled if you were using the "new style" panel and not the old style panel (I think this should be for you).

... I would still like to know the best way.

If you don't like to just close the toolbar once (in STS 3.6.3 or newer), then depending on how you install STS, you can opt out of installing the dashboard.

The easiest way is to install STS through the Eclipse Marketplace. Here's the sequence of steps I just tried to work:

  • download the Eclipse 4.4.2 distribution (I used Eclipse for Java EE, but probably others should work as well)

  • Open Market Client (Help -> Eclipse Marketplace).

  • Find "Spring"

  • Click the Install button on the first Spring Toolbox entry>

A dialog box will appear allowing you to select the desired functions. Deselect the item "Spring Personal Account (optional)".

Then move on to installing the rest.

You should now have an STS installation with everything in it as "normal" except for the control panel.

[*] =



Finally, I got rid of the control panel slowing down the launch of eclipse by updating the STS to version 3.6.3. Now when I close it it stays closed next run. But for me this is not an acceptable answer, because this problem often occurs when updating STS, so I would still like to know a better way.



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