Could not find framework.dir file in sencha

I have installed sencha cmd But when I tried to build my app it showed Unalble to find framework.dir property from sencha config. Make sure the command was executed from a valid directcotry.Non framework


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5 answers

This is exactly what it says: you are most likely running sencha

from the wrong directory.

cd /where/you/extracted/ext-4.2.1
sencha generate app MyApp /where/you/want/myapp


For more information, watch the video Create a workspace and applications .



I made a big mistake: I was running from sencha root. But it should work from Extjs root version. we must create a workplace in it. these will be the extjs folder and from them we need to run a command to create the application. It works fine now



You need to take a look at cmd and workspaces tools .

Let's take a closer look at the frame section on the page.



Better to go to the SDK folder, just provide the SDK path in your command when building your app:

sencha -sdk <YOUR SDK PATH> generate app <APP NAME> <PATH TO GENERATE APP>




Before creating any sencha app.
Understand 2 things.
1. Sencha CMD
2.Extjs framework.
Both are different.

Coming to point:.
1. Download the latest extjs framework.
2.Use the below command
sencha -sdk=path/to/ext generate app MyAPP path/to/worspace/of/MyApp

This will solve the above issue asked in question.




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