OS X install libcurl / Solr install

I installed the default Apache server with PHP on OS X Yosemite, installed pear, installed Solr with brew ( brew install solr

), and now I am trying to install the Solr PHP extension with PECL using

pecl install solr


This is giving me error

configure: error: Please reinstall the libcurl distribution -
    easy.h should be in <curl-dir>/include/curl/
ERROR: `/private/tmp/pear/install/solr/configure --enable-solr-debug=no --with-curl=/usr --with-libxml-dir=/usr' failed


However, the command curl

is available in the terminal. I specified the wrong path when asked during installation.

Enable Solr Debugging (Compiles solr in debug mode) [no] : 
libcURL install prefix [/usr] : 
libxml2 install prefix [/usr] : 


and if so, how do I find the right path? Or do I need to install curl again, and if so, what's the best way and can I do it with a homebrew?

I will probably have the same problem with libxml2, right?

Thanks guys!


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1 answer

The issue was resolved by installing the OS X developer tools.

You can do this through terminal by running

xcode-select --install


Hope this can help someone having the same problem!



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