Geyearchical nested common interfaces
I have a chain of hierarchically nested generic interfaces that looks like this for example:
ICar<TWheels, TBolts>
where TWheels : IWheels<TBolts>
where TBolts : IBolts
IEnumerable<TWheels> Wheels { get; set; }
where TBolts : IBolts
IEnumerable<TBolts> Wheels { get; set; }
Is this a sane way to handle these common interfaces?
It makes the definition methods like this:
public TCar GetCar<TWheels, TBolts>(int id)
where TCar : ICar<TWheels, TBolts>
where TWheels : IWheels<TBolts>
where TBolts : IBolts
Is there a way to reduce this code signature?
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Generics in C # should be used very carefully to avoid the problems you are experiencing. I would recommend revisiting the interface hierarchy and throwing out generics:
interface ICar
IEnumerable<IWheel> Wheels { get; set; }
interface IWheel
IEnumerable<IBolt> Bolts { get; set; }
interface IBolt
Then it would be great to look at the use cases that these interfaces are involved in.
Maybe there will be very rare cases where you will need IR16Wheel
instead IWheel
and type casting will suffice.
Maybe this is enough to connect non-common interfaces with common ones:
interface IWheel<TBolt> : IWheel
where TBolt : IBolt
IEnumerable<TBolt> Bolts { get; set; }
and use non-generics with methods like this:
public ICar GetCar(int id) { }
but also use generics in more specific cases.
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