Type inference with Generics in Swift

I have this code

func getMeGoodies<T>(String:goodieName, callback:(goodie:T) -> ()) {
   var goodie:T = //get it from the jug


And somewhere I want to call it

self.getMeGoodies("chocolatechip", callback: { (goodie) -> () in
            println("eat the \(goodie)")


I am getting an error on the line "chocolate" saying it cannot convert (blah blah). I believe he cannot figure out what this T

is because it works when I return goodie

from a function and assign it to a variable when I call it (or just when I cast)

var chocolateChip:Goodie =  self.getMeGoodies("chocolatechip", callback: { (goodie) -> () in
            println("eat the \(goodie)")



self.getMeGoodies("chocolatechip", callback: { (goodie) -> () in
            println("eat the \(goodie)")
        }) as Goodie


Is there any way I can give to quickly find out what type it is without using a hacky way of doing it.


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1 answer

If you add a type annotation to the closure parameter, then the compiler can infer the generic type T


self.getMeGoodies("chocolatechip", callback: { (goodie : Goodie) -> () in
    println("eat the \(goodie)")


Another method is to pass the type as an argument to the method:

func getMeGoodies<T>(type : T.Type, goodieName : String, callback:(goodie:T) -> ()) {
    var goodie:T = 0 //get it from the jug
    callback(goodie: goodie)

self.getMeGoodies(Goodie.self, goodieName: "chocolatechip", callback: { (goodie)  in
    println("eat the \(goodie)")




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