Extjs 5 XTemplate with JSON storage data

I need help with my xtemplate and proxy storage. No matter what I try, I am stuck with this issue. The xtemplate only displays data from the store without using a proxy.

Work shop:

Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
    storeId : 'viewStore',
    model    : 'dataview_model',
    data    : [
        {statistic: '213213', description: 'Hallo'},
        {statistic: '534345', description: 'Alloh'},


Working with Xtemplate and Data Configuration

    xtype: 'component',
    cls: 'kpi-tiles',
    id: 'statisticsBoxes',
    height: 100,

    tpl: [
        '<div class="kpi-meta">',
            '<tpl for=".">',
                    '<div class="statsDiv">{statistic}</div> {description}',

    data: [{
        description: Ext.getStore('statisticsStore').getAt(0).data.statistic,
        statistic: Ext.getStore('viewStore').getAt(0).data.statistic
        description: Ext.getStore('viewStore').getAt(1).data.description,
        statistic: Ext.getStore('viewStore').getAt(1).data.statistic


But when I change the data for the template to load data from the stats store, the following error is thrown in the console.log: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property getAt from undefined.

Data configuration:

data: [{
    description: 'the description',
    statistic: Ext.getStore('statisticsStore').getAt(0).data.statistic



Ext.define('ExecDashboard.store.Statistics', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
alias: 'store.statistics',
storeId: 'statisticsStore',
model: 'ExecDashboard.model.Statistics',

proxy: {      
    type: 'ajax',
    url: '/statistics',
    reader: 'json'


Produces the following JSON:
  [{"statistic": "1"}, {"statistic": "2"}]

The store is loaded into the viewModel:

    stores: {
    Statistics: {
        type: 'statistics',
        autoLoad: true


I think the problem is that the store is not loaded at this point. But I don't know how to solve this problem. I know that "Ext.getStore (" statistics "). GetAt (0) .data.statistic 'works in console.log when the store loads.


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3 answers

Use Ext.view.View

what the class is for:

xtype: 'dataview',
cls: 'kpi-tiles kpi-meta',
id: 'statisticsBoxes',
height: 100,
itemSelector: '.statsDiv',
tpl: [
    '<tpl for=".">',
            '<div class="statsDiv">{statistic}</div> {description}',
store: 'statisticsStore'




You probably need to install autoLoad: true

in your store.



The store event listener in my Model View solves the problem.

    Statistics: {
        type: 'statistics',
        autoLoad: true,
        listeners: {
            load: function(){
                var data = [{"description": "New", "statistic" : this.data.items[0].data.statistic}];


When the store is loaded an event will be fired which will update the Xtemplate with new data



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