Loop through the json file in the correct order

I am trying to iterate over a json file to generate the previous and next page.

So what I mean:

<a href="Link to next page">Next</a>
<a href="Link to previous page">Previous</a>


Instead of href, you need to find a product link. This link is in the JSON file.

    "collection": {
        "9409555": {
            "id": 9409555,
            "url": "lola-dress-9409555.html"
        "9806609": {
            "id": 9806609,
            "url": "kimono-dress.html",
        }, //and 20 product more...


I am struggling to achieve this. How to determine which "postulation" in the loop I am on, and how to determine what the next or previous value is.


 $.getJSON('link-to-json-file/?format=json', function(data){
        $.each(data.products, function(key, product){
          console.log(key, product);


I know I can iterate over a json object as described above. Can someone give me some guidance on what a good approach would be. Any help is more than welcome!

json jquery

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2 answers

According to your JSON structure, you can do this:

  $.getJSON('link-to-json-file/?format=json', function(data){
    var pos = 0;
    for(var key in data.collection){


If your JSON has an array structure, you can use $ .each

    "collection": [
            "id": 9409555,
            "url": "lola-dress-9409555.html"
            "id": 9806609,
            "url": "kimono-dress.html",

  $.getJSON('link-to-json-file/?format=json', function(data){
    $.each(data.callection, function(index, product){
      console.log(index); //this is the position 0, 1, 2 ...



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This seems really hacky, but the only way I can do it is to loop through the object as you do it and find the index of the product property (like "9806609": {

) in raw responseText


This strongly suggests that it is being formed the way you placed it, and responseText

that there was no other text that could match. You can make it a little safer by removing new lines and spaces before and after colons, etc.

// will store the final products
var products = [];

$.getJSON('link-to-json-file/?format=json', {}, function (data, textStatus, jqXhr) {
    // loop through object, adding the ID, product and position of "pid": in the jqXhr.responseText
    var sortProducts = [];
    $.each(data.collection, function(key, product){
            pid: key,
            product: product,
            pos: jqXhr.responseText.indexOf('"'+key+'":')

    // now sort the products by their position and store in the final array
    products = sortProducts.sort(function(a,b) {
        return a.pos - b.pos;


You can find the index using a simple array search:

function findProductIndex(pid) {
    var prodIndex = -1;
    for(var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
        if(products[i].pid == pid) {
            return i;

var idx = findProductIndex('9806609');


Of course, if order is important to you, creating collection

as an array is the way to go and you'll get your sorted array straight away:

"collection": [
        "id": 9409555,
        "url": "lola-dress-9409555.html"
        "id": 9806609,
        "url": "kimono-dress.html",



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