Unable to get ads from admob with mopub

I have been trying to run ads on my application for a couple of days now. I have all settings, position, banner, admob ID (one with ca-app ....), I have the correct mopub Id and all that. However, I still get this message:

12-16 20:13:44.984    2778-2778/com.spekz D/skia﹕ GFXPNG PNG bitmap created       width:720 height:279 bitmap id is 184
12-16 20:13:44.994    2778-2778/com.spekz D/dalvikvm﹕ GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 55K, 18% free 27700K/33472K, paused 14ms, total 14ms
12-16 20:13:45.004    2778-2778/com.spekz I/dalvikvm-heap﹕ Grow heap (frag case) to 33.606MB for 3214096-byte allocation
12-16 20:13:45.064    2778-2778/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Failed to retrieve GPS location: access appears to be disabled.
12-16 20:13:45.064    2778-2778/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Loading url:   http://ads.mopub.com/m/ad?v=6&id=47b3246cf9604036bfb1837d193d15d9&nv=3.3.0%2Bkit&dn=samsung%2CSM-G900F%2Ckltexx&udid=ifa%3A56d9b230-e477-4a7d-904a-5bf30f1ea0e1&z=%2B0100&o=p&sc_a=3.0&mr=1&mcc=219&mnc=10&iso=hr&cn=HR%20VIP&ct=2&av=1.0&android_perms_ ext_storage=1&ts=1
12-16 20:13:45.064    2778-2778/com.spekz I/MoPub﹕ Fetching ad for task #0
12-16 20:13:45.064    2778-2778/com.spekz I/com.mopub﹕ Fetching ad for task #0
12-16 20:13:45.364    2778-3261/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Loading ad type: admob_native
12-16 20:13:45.374    2778-3261/com.spekz I/System.out﹕ AsyncTask #4 calls detatch()
12-16 20:13:45.374    2778-2778/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Loading custom event adapter.
12-16 20:13:45.374    2778-2778/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Attempting to invoke custom event: com.mopub.mobileads.GooglePlayServicesBanner
12-16 20:13:45.374    2778-2778/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Couldn't locate or instantiate custom event: com.mopub.mobileads.GooglePlayServicesBanner.
12-16 20:13:45.374    2778-2778/com.spekz V/MoPub﹕ MoPubErrorCode: Unable to find Native Network or Custom Event adapter.
12-16 20:13:45.374    2778-2778/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Loading failover url: http://ads.mopub.com/m/ad?v=6&id=47b3246cf9604036bfb1837d193d15d9&nv=3.3.0%2Bkit&dn=samsung%2CSM-G900F%2Ckltexx&udid=ifa%3A56d9b230-e477-4a7d-904a-5bf30f1ea0e1&z=%2B0100&o=p&sc_a=3.0&mr=1&mcc=219&mnc=10&iso=hr&cn=HR%20VIP&ct=2&av=1.0&android_perms_ext_storage=1&ts=1&exclude=9fb97ef474b011e48e2c002590f2bb78&request_id=c9d0e74352be40218b76d719289e4c09&fail=1
12-16 20:13:45.374    2778-2778/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Loading url: http://ads.mopub.com/m/ad?v=6&id=47b3246cf9604036bfb1837d193d15d9&nv=3.3.0%2Bkit&dn=samsung%2CSM-G900F%2Ckltexx&udid=ifa%3A56d9b230-e477-4a7d-904a-5bf30f1ea0e1&z=%2B0100&o=p&sc_a=3.0&mr=1&mcc=219&mnc=10&iso=hr&cn=HR%20VIP&ct=2&av=1.0&android_perms_ext_storage=1&ts=1&exclude=9fb97ef474b011e48e2c002590f2bb78&request_id=c9d0e74352be40218b76d719289e4c09&fail=1
12-16 20:13:45.374    2778-2778/com.spekz I/MoPub﹕ Fetching ad for task #1
12-16 20:13:45.374    2778-2778/com.spekz I/com.mopub﹕ Fetching ad for task #1
12-16 20:13:45.674    2778-2849/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ No ads found for adunit (47b3246cf9604036bfb1837d193d15d9).
12-16 20:13:45.674    2778-2849/com.spekz I/System.out﹕ AsyncTask #3 calls detatch()
12-16 20:13:45.684    2778-2778/com.spekz I/MoPub﹕ Ad failed to load.
12-16 20:13:45.684    2778-2778/com.spekz I/com.mopub﹕ Ad failed to load.
12-16 20:14:45.354    2778-2778/com.spekz D/MoPub﹕ Refresh disabled for ad unit (47b3246cf9604036bfb1837d193d15d9).


The app is not in any store, I am just testing it on my phone. Does it matter? Any help is appreciated :)


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2 answers

It says:

12-16 20: 13: 45.374 2778-2778 / com.spekz D / MoPub: Could not find or create custom event: com.mopub.mobileads.GooglePlayServicesBanner.

This means that most likely you have not integrated the adapter, or there is a problem with the MoPub SDK accessing this file. The adapter is here in the main Android SDK: https://github.com/mopub/mopub-android-sdk/tree/master/extras/src/com/mopub/mobileads

Please refer to 3rd party network integration documentation for steps to integrate AdMob adapter and corresponding AdMob SDK (use latest for iOS8 compatibility): https://github.com/mopub/mopub-android-sdk/wiki/Integrating-Third- Party-Ad-Networks

It also appears that AdMob is not active on your ad unit. To enable the network in an ad unit, follow these steps:

  • Go to the "Networks" tab in the MoPub user interface
  • Click "Segments"
  • Select the specified segment you want to install (Note: Accounts will be automatically set to the global segment when created. This will be the segment for which most people will have to go to set up a network ad for a specific ad unit. This changes if a new segment is created and has specific targeting as new segments are Global segment for their specific parameters.)
  • There is a set of filters to display only available advertising sources. You want to close the tab for this that says "Status: Working" inside the filter to see the rest of the ad sources.
  • Click on the dropdown for the ad unit you want to change.
  • Edit the ecpm of the ad source
  • Click Install

This will enable the ad network for that particular ad unit.

https://twittercommunity.com/t/i-created-a-new-ad-unit-but-cant-target-my-ad-network-to-it-how-do-i-do-so/6927/ 2

Hope this helped!



You need to integrate Google Play services into your Mopub SDK if you are using AdMob. See here for more details: https://github.com/mopub/mopub-android-sdk/wiki/Integrating-with-Google-Play-Services



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