How do I combine the two inputs of the contingency matrix?

I have an object like this xtabs


structure(c(1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9), .Dim = c(3L, 3L), 
.Dimnames = structure(list(Var1 = c("A", "B", "C"), Var2 = c("A", "B", "C")),
.Names = c("Var1", "Var2")), class = c("xtabs", "table"))


which gives:

Var1 A B C
   A 1 2 3
   B 4 5 6
   C 7 8 9


I would like to combine two values Var1

and Var2

for example. "A" and "B", with a new value for "D", preserving the properties of the contingency matrix.

So the result will look like this:

Var1  D C
   D 12 9 
   C 15 9 



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2 answers

Reading the xtabs object in a

, you can:

levels(b$Var1) <- list(D=c("A","B"),C="C")
levels(b$Var2) <- list(D=c("A","B"),C="C") #Thanks @Henrik!
xtabs(Freq ~ Var1 + Var2, b)


An alternative approach that you can adapt for larger factors using a pair of merges b $ Var1.merge <-b $ Var1 b $ Var2.merge <-b $ Var2

# Add the new level for the factors
levels(b$Var1.merge) <- c(levels(b$Var1.merge), "D")
levels(b$Var2.merge) <- c(levels(b$Var2.merge), "D")

#Collapse the factors
b$Var1.merge[b$Var1%in%c("A","B")] <- "D"
b$Var2.merge[b$Var2%in%c("A","B")] <- "D"

xtabs(Freq ~ Var1.merge + Var2.merge, b, drop.unused.levels=T)


Of course, depending on where your original xtabs object came from, you may be able to get the original data more easily.



This side fixes the problems that can arise when dealing with factors if you take the data.frame route:

> tbl2 <- rbind(colSums(tbl[1:2, ]), tbl[3, ])
> tbl2
     A B C
[1,] 5 7 9
[2,] 7 8 9
> tbl3 <- cbind(rowSums(tbl2[, 1:2]), tbl2[ ,2] )
> tbl3
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]   12    7
[2,]   15    8


And it shows how to do it with a given set of literal values โ€‹โ€‹to collapse:

> tbl2 <- rbind(colSums(tbl[row.names(tbl) %in% c("A","B"), ]), 
                 tbl[!row.names(tbl) %in% c("A","B"), ])
> tbl2
     A B C
[1,] 5 7 9
[2,] 7 8 9
> tbl3 <- cbind(rowSums(tbl2[, colnames(tbl) %in% c("A","B")]), 
                 tbl2[,!colnames(tbl) %in% c("A","B")] )
> tbl3
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]   12    9
[2,]   15    9




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