Changing dcast to display multiple columns

I have the following situation. Consider the following df:

mymatrix <- = 0, nrow = 7, ncol = 4))
colnames(mymatrix) <- c("Patient", "marker", "Number", "Visit")

mymatrix[,1] <- c("B1","B1","C1","C1","D1","D1","D1")
mymatrix[,2] <- c("A","A","A","A","A","A","A")
mymatrix[,3] <- c(1,0,0,15,1,2,13)
mymatrix[,4] <- c("baseline","followup","baseline","followup","baseline","followup","followup")

> mymatrix
  Patient marker Number    Visit
1      B1      A      1 baseline
2      B1      A      0 followup
3      C1      A      0 baseline
4      C1      A     15 followup
5      D1      A      1 baseline
6      D1      A      2 followup
7      D1      A     13 followup


If I do a dcast on the first 6 lines I get:

> dcast(mymatrix[1:6,], Patient +marker~Visit, value.var = "Number")
  Patient marker baseline followup
1      B1      A        1        0
2      C1      A        0       15
3      D1      A        1        2


If I do a dcast on all lines I get:

> dcast(mymatrix, Patient +marker~Visit, value.var = "Number")
Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length
  Patient marker baseline followup
1      B1      A        1        1
2      C1      A        1        1
3      D1      A        1        2


Is there a way to add a second column of subsequent steps instead of defaulting on length? Thus, the data will look like this:

  Patient marker baseline followup.1 followup.2
1      B1      A        1        0     NA
2      C1      A        0        15     NA
3      D1      A        1        2     13




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2 answers

It's not clear what you are asking because it seems that you want to combine two different functions at the same time in dcast

. It seems to me that you want to improve your first output instead of the second. If so, a simple solution would be to just add an auto index to the values ​​in the column Visit

and then dcast

. Here is a simple approach using a package data.table

(assuming the result is not exactly what you want, because I added the index in baseline

, but it might get you going)

setDT(mymatrix)[, Visit := paste(Visit, seq_len(.N), sep = "."), list(Patient, Visit)], Patient + marker ~ Visit, value.var = "Number")

#    Patient marker baseline.1 followup.1 followup.2
# 1:      B1      A          1          0         NA
# 2:      C1      A          0         15         NA
# 3:      D1      A          1          2         13




You can also use base R

d1 <- transform(mymatrix, Visit=paste0(Visit,ave(seq_along(Number),
                                      Patient, Visit, FUN=seq_along)) )

reshape(d1, idvar=c('Patient', 'marker'), timevar='Visit', direction='wide')
#   Patient marker Number.baseline1 Number.followup1 Number.followup2
#1      B1      A                1                0               NA
#3      C1      A                0               15               NA
#5      D1      A                1                2               13


Or dplyr/tidyr

mymatrix %>%
        group_by(Patient, Visit) %>% 
        mutate(indx=row_number()) %>% 
        ungroup() %>% 
        unite(Visit1, Visit, indx) %>% 
        spread(Visit1, Number)
#   Patient marker baseline_1 followup_1 followup_2
#1      B1      A          1          0         NA
#2      C1      A          0         15         NA
#3      D1      A          1          2         13




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