JS - creating a shorthand object

Take the object below:

var value = 'bar';
var obj = { foo: value }
// -> Object { foo="bar" }


Assuming the key is also a variable, one can go:

var key = 'foo', value = 'bar';
var obj = {}
obj[key] = value;
// -> Object { foo="bar" }


Now I want to do it in one line (shorthand). So I tried:

var obj = {}[key] = value; // or,
var obj = ({})[key] = value; // or,
var obj = new Object()[key] = value;
// -> "bar"


This weirdly creates a string instead of an object.

Is there a way to do this reduction?


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5 answers

ECMAScript 6 will let you do

var obj = {
    [key]: value


Browser support is still small, but transpilers such as 6to5 allow you to use this notation today!



You can, or you can almost. If you put the creation of an object and its assignment in obj

parentheses, you can set the result property of that expression:

var obj, key='foo', value = 'bar';
(obj = {})[key] = value;

alert(obj);  // [object Object]
alert(obj.foo);  // bar

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The keyword var

cannot be included in this expression in parentheses, so either you have to declare obj earlier (like I did), or not declare it at all, but agree that it will be in the global scope.



Depending on what you call a one-liner, with some golf code, you can do

var obj = (function(o) {o[key]=value; return o})({});


he thinks the shortest you get it?



ECMAScript 5 (current version) lacks shorthand, but you can make the method

function createObject(key, value /*, key, value, ... */ ) {
    var object = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i = i + 2) {
        object[arguments[i]] = arguments[i+1];
    return object;


Then you can call it like this

var obj = createObject(key, value, 'anotherKey', 'anotherVal');




Something like this is included in ECMAScript 6 :

As of ECMAScript 6, there is a shorter notation available to achieve the same:

var a = "foo", 
    b = 42, 
    c = {};

// Shorthand property names (ES6) 
var o = { a, b, c };


So you can create your object with the following code

var foo = 'bar';
var obj = {foo};




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