Chrome mobile ignores overflow

I am playing around with building a webapp for android. I am using telephony with JQM but I am facing a problem.

I am implementing a slide menu and I found a simple example on the internet for that.

This simple menu slides to the left and this part works great, but when I try to offset it I have a problem. The whole page is scrolling, and this is despite the fact that I have

#mobileViewport {
    overflow: hidden;


(The body tag has an id mobileViewport

I also tried adding it to the html tag but to no avail.

This is mistake? and is there a workaround?


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1 answer

By default, JQM pages are positioned absolutely , out of the flow of their containing element (if the containing element is statically located).

Adding overflow:hidden

to the contained element (body) will therefore not help.

If you apply position:relative

to #mobileViewport

, which should cause JQM mobile pages to now work correctly with the containing element, but overflow:hidden


However, I suspect this is probably not a good idea and is related to other CSS display issues. (I remember playing with it once and had other problems as a side effect)

Probably the best idea is to add overflow: hidden directly to the JQM page elements.

<body class="ui-mobile-viewport">
  <div id="mypage" data-role="page" class="ui-page">

#mypage {


NOTE. If you have a footer you can apply overflow:hidden

to the child .ui-content




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