Baseline change event not activated for selected field selected by jQuery

I have a button that, when clicked, sets the value of the select box and also has a change event for the select box. The "change select [name = location_id]" event works for normal mouse / keyboard selections, but the "change select [name = location_id]" event is not fired when a button is clicked that uses jQuery to change the value of the select box.

How do I change 'select select [name = location_id]' when the field changes via jQuery?

SubscriptionsModule.Views.SubscriptionEditView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
    template: "subscriptions/edit",
    events: {
      'click #home-delivery-select': 'selectHomeDeliverySite',
      'change select[name=location_id]': 'updateLocation'
    selectHomeDeliverySite: function() {
    updateLocation: function(e) {
      //update location code
    updateOrderSize: function(e) {
      SubscriptionsModule.eventManager.trigger('updateOrderSize', $(e.currentTarget).data('price'));



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3 answers

All you need is to add an event:






Also, please ignore the answer below, as according to the MDN input

, the event is input

fired only for <input>

and <textarea>

and will not fire for <select>

, since value

of <select>

does not change when any of its options are selected (btw, <input>

with flag type

or radio will also not fire an event input

, since their attribute value

does not change when selected (!).

I'll leave an answer for your reference.

Incorrect value

From MDN

The change event fires for items <input>

, <select>

and <textarea>

when a user change commits the item's value. Unlike an input event, a change event does not necessarily fire for every change in an item's value.

According to Quirksmode , the event change

is a bug for all IE and Opera.

Try to replace

'change select[name=location_id]': 'updateLocation'



'input select[name=location_id]': 'updateLocation'




To trigger a change event on the trunk after you have changed something with jquery, you need to trigger a change event.




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