Include GROUP BY ID In my Mysql statement

I implemented a solution to filter my table, but that also made me lose one of the core functionality I wanted. GROUP BY ID DESC so that the latter are placed at the top.

The first time you view the table without any filters, I would like it to be GROUP BY ID DESC as well, but I can't seem to get the way to set up the filters. Any way to get around this? My code is below

// Check connection
require '../inc/connection.php';
//Select All from Game
$result_else = "SELECT * FROM game WHERE listDate >= NOW() - INTERVAL 1440 MINUTE ";

//Search Function
if (isset($_POST['search'])) {
$search_term = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['search_box']);   
$result_else .= "AND Region LIKE'%{$search_term}%'";
$result_else .= "OR gameType LIKE'%{$search_term}%' GROUP BY id DESC LIMIT 25";



If I wanted the original view of the table without any filters to have a GROUP BY ID DESC LIMIT 25, how would I do it?

Thanks for any help


source to share

2 answers

Yes, you can do

$result_else = "SELECT * FROM game WHERE listDate >= NOW() - INTERVAL 1440 MINUTE ";

//Search Function
if (isset($_POST['search'])) {
    $search_term = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['search_box']);   
    $result_else .= "AND Region LIKE'%{$search_term}%'";
    $result_else .= "OR gameType LIKE'%{$search_term}%' ";
// $result_else .= "GROUP BY id DESC LIMIT 25";
$result_else .= "ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 25";


But not sure what you are asking GROUP BY



groups content.


orders content in asc

or desc




Maybe this will help you:

// Check connection
require '../inc/connection.php';
//Select All from Game
$result_else = "SELECT * FROM game WHERE listDate >= NOW() - INTERVAL 1440 MINUTE ";

//Search Function
if (isset($_POST['search'])) {
    $search_term = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['search_box']);
    $result_else .= " AND Region LIKE'%{$search_term}%'";
    $result_else .= " OR gameType LIKE'%{$search_term}%' GROUP BY id DESC";
$result_else .= " ORDER BY id LIMIT 25";





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