Serializing / Deserializing Derived Class

I have a base class and another one derived from it. Suppose the base class has 20 members and has 5 members. Only the derived class is serializable.

After I create an instance, the derived class object has all 25 members. Now, how can I only serialize 5 members of a derived class? When I use "this" to serialize or deserialize, the entire class (all 25 members) is serialized and then deserialized.

Here is a code snippet (not complete):

// Base class definition.
public abstract class baseMyClass
// declaration of members


// Derived class definition.
public sealed class MyDerivedClass : baseMyClass
// declaration of members


// Serializing the object.
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyDerivedClass));
xs.Serialize(writer, this);


// Deserializing the object.
StringReader reader = new StringReader(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data));
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyDerivedClass));
MyDerivedClass objMyDerivedClass = (MyDerivedClass)(xs.Deserialize(reader));


I couldn't find a similar example. If you know one, please point it to me.

Thanks for the help.


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2 answers

Instead of inheritance, I made the class (which can be serialized) a member of the parent class. The parent class is no longer the parent. I will just create objects of this class and it will have a member object that can be serialized.



Use the [NonSerializedAttribute] attribute for each field that you do not want to serialize.

Or implement the ISerializsable interface and manually serialize the desired fields in a derived class. )



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