Cooled coffeescript supports or is going to support promises?

As a node.js practitioner, I make heavy use of coffeescript and promises based functions . I recently discovered frozen coffeescript and I'm wondering if my approach can be combined with a "frozen deferral wait".

So here's my question: is there support for promises implemented or planned for frozen coffeescript ? Or rather, icy coffeescript got me back to the world of callback functions?

Also as a side question, as far as I know, there is an ECMAscript 7 draft to submit, waiting for an async patten to solve the problem. Ice Coffee Shop crew expected to mix with it if it becomes standard?



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2 answers

The development of Iced CoffeeScript has stalled lately. I see ICS as an interesting experiment - given its current adoption, I would not recommend using it. As for support or planned support, it is not there - in the future it may be, but there are no problems in the treasury question discussing it.

ECMAScript 7 does have asynchronous functions — since they use promises, there is no reason to believe that ICS is doing any work to support them. Again - no one can tell the future, and there may be work on them in the future.



Iced is certainly active, and in many cases (like concurrent calls) is more flexible than promises. There is currently an open PR for ES7 async

at maxtaco / coffee-script # 147 and is much simpler than the open PR for regular coffee (# 3757, # 3813).

The easiest way to use Iced with Promises is nodeify

Promise. I am using many Promise based files in my Iced code with no problem.

I think most coders using Iced just prefer the pure wait / defer syntax over promises. The main benefit of using Iced now is that the now executed Iced code will still work in the future, even though there are major changes in ES6 / 7 and Coffee implementations since the syntax is complete.



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