Pearl write macros correctly

To keep my program simpler, I would like to write some macros that can be used in different routines.

Here's what I wrote:

my @m = ();
sub winit   { @m = (); }
sub w       { push @m, shift; }
sub wline   { push @m, ''; }
sub wheader { push @m, commentHeader(shift); }
sub walign  { push @m, alignMakeRule(shift); }
sub wflush  { join($/, @m); }

sub process {

    w "some text";

    wheader 'Architecture';   
    w getArchitecture();

    say wflush;


Is there a better way or a smarter way to do what I want to do?


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2 answers

You can use closure or closure hash if you find this approach useful,

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

sub winit {
  my @m;
  return (
    w       => sub  { push @m, shift; },
    wline   => sub  { push @m, ''; },
    wheader => sub  { push @m, "commentHeader ". shift; },
    walign  => sub  { push @m, "alignMakeRule ". shift; },
    wflush  => sub  { join($/, @m); },

sub process {
    my %w = winit();

    $w{w}->("some text");


    say $w{wflush}->();





If I understood what you are trying to do, then I would think to start looking at object oriented perl.

Objects are a way of building complex data structures and "building inside" code to "do things" in a data structure.

So, you have to create an object (perl module):

use strict;
use warnings;

package MyMacro;

sub new {
    my ($class) = @_;
    my $self = {};
    $self->{m} = ();
    bless( $self, $class );

sub flush {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return join( $/, @{ $self->{m} } );

sub addline {
    my ($self) = @_;
    push( @{$self -> {m}}, '' );

sub addtext {
    my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
    push ( @{$self -> {m}}, $text );

#etc. for your other functions



And then "drive" with:

use strict;
use warnings;
use MyMacro;

my $w = MyMacro->new();

$w->addtext("some text");
$w->addtext("some text");

print $w ->flush;


It's pretty basic OOP, but you can get more advanced with Moose




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