Importing Maven Projects into IntelliJ IDEA

I am an Eclipse user trying to use IntelliJ IDEA. When importing a maven project in the wizard, I am asked "Select Profile". What aspects of the project are identified in this choice?


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3 answers

It allows you to activate the various profiles found in your pom.xml. The documents shown above provide good information, but not exactly how you will use the profile. For example, you might have a "dev" profile to build in your dev environment, or a "production" profile to build when you're ready to deploy. Maven allows you to use a profile using the "P" flag after the build command and then the actual profile. For example.

mvn clean install -Pdev

Hope this helps!



This affects the way projects are imported

See doc: profiles



I usually don't select profiles when I first import a maven project.

After you have imported it, you can later go back and mark all the profiles you want to enable / disable before doing the build step (for example clean install


This seems like the most direct approach to me.



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