Single page app without url

I am joining a team that is currently working on a single page application. It's written with AngularJS, but that doesn't matter for the theme.

The application is so complex (many independent views with complex different states inside each) that they completely removed the router (well, subtract the default route).

I am using googling, but I cannot see an example webapp not trying to work correctly with urls. Is there a risk of not using any URL other than "this is not a neat way"?

EDIT: ui-router doesn't fit because of this issue:


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3 answers

It sounds like you want to look at something like a UI-Router that works on states.

I can't imagine any significant issues with your application if you do it this way, but I can see massive bloated controllers and code to try and work around any issues you find.



as @Varedis said, you can use ui-router, but to answer your real question, consider a use case for urls.

If you only have one URL, there is only one entry point to the application. It can be annoying if the user expects to be able to quickly navigate to a specific area (state) of your application. Only one URL means the user cannot bookmark, navigate directly, or search for any specific part of your application.

You can use other mechanisms such as cookies or LocalStorage to track state, but they are less user-friendly.



I am working on a project and I founded a month ago, ui-router-extras that provide parralel of states, but it cannot stimulate more than one instance of the state .

Is there any other solution for this?



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