How do I get the current column width of a fleet map?

I am using a float chart for my chart ... and I am using the chart value indicator at the top like this ...

var p1 = $.plot($("#received-against-assigned"), data1, {
  xaxis: {
      ticks : ticks,
      axisLabel: "Accounts",
      axisLabelUseCanvas: true,
      axisLabelFontSizePixels: 12,
      axisLabelFontFamily: "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif",
      axisLabelPadding: 10
  yaxis: {
      axisLabel: "Emails",
      axisLabelUseCanvas: true,
      axisLabelFontSizePixels: 12,
      axisLabelFontFamily: "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif",
      axisLabelPadding: 5
  grid: {
      hoverable: true,
      clickable: false,
      borderWidth: 0
  legend: {
      // labelBoxBorderColor: "none",
      // position: "left"
      show: true,
      noColumns: 5,
      container: "#bar-legend-2"
  series: {
      shadowSize: 1
  tooltip: true


This is the indicator code ...

$.each(p1.getData()[0].data, function(i, el){
  var o = p1.pointOffset({x: el[0], y: el[1]});
    $('<div class="data-point-label">' + el[1] + '</div>').css( {
      position: 'absolute',
      left: o.left - 32, // Notice here...
      top: - 20,
      display: 'none'


Now you can see what I am setting left: o.left - 32

, which is in a static way ... I have a variable number of bars ... Depends on the number of accounts ... So 32 is not enough ...

If I can somehow get the current bandwidth ... then I can calculate and align the indicators correctly ...



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1 answer

You get the swath width (in axis units) from

var barWidthInUnits = p1.getOptions().series.bars.barWidth;


If you want to calculate the width in pixels, you also need to get the x-axis scale factor

var barWidthInPixels = barWidthInUnits * p1.getXAxes()[0].scale;


Half of that should be the offset needed for your value indicators.



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