How can I update a table using jquery ajax?

I have a table below. With the ajax call, I am updating the table content. It is reflected in the database, but how can I update the table without reloading the entire page. Please help me.

My table structure:

<table class="table table-hover" id="cust-table">
            for($i=0; $i<$numrows; ++$i) {
                 $contacts = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
            <td><?php echo $contacts['LastName']; ?></td>
            <td><?php echo $contacts['FirstName']; ?></td>
        } ?>


JQuery code:

       type: 'POST',   
       url: 'update.php',   
       data: {LastName:last_name, FirstName:first_name}


update.php updates the database, but I need to update the table without refreshing the whole page. Can someone please help me on this?


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2 answers

For your scenario, write the code for the html and ajax table in other pages. For example: -

In update.php

//do stuff for update
//html table code


On the ajax page (test.php)

<div id='load'>



// call by click event

function loadData(){
     type: 'POST',   
     url: 'update.php',   
     data: {LastName:last_name, FirstName:first_name},
    success: function(msg) {




It should be easy.

    //delete all rows in table

    //add rows
    $('#cust-table > tbody:last').append('<tr> ... </tr>'); //do the magic




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