CSS changes in scrolling but at scroll speed

I want to make the usual "scrollable title changes" Right now the "change" animation is pure CSS3 animation, which means the animation runs on its own, but I want it to run at the same time as the scroll speed.

Right now:

<script type="text/javascript">
        } else{


This is what I did (and you can see why I want to bind the animation / scroll): http://thomasmaier.me/beispiel/

This is an example of what I want: http://www.apple.com/imac-with-retina/ . (you will have to wait a bit until the huge wallpaper appears. When you scroll, the css changes at the same speed as the scroll).

How can I do this (using jQuery)? (I'm not a professional) Or do you have a better, nicer solution?

The best



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2 answers

Add an HTML attribute (onscroll) that ever the parent block will do your scrolling to.


<main onscroll = myfunction(event) </main>   //make sure you pass the event parameter



function myfunction(e){
   window.MainBlock = e.target; //set event element to a variable
   window.ScrollVert = e.scrollY; //live feed of vertical scroll position

   //add simple if statement based on values to change zoom value based on the scrollY.
   MainBlock.style.zoom = "100%"
.main {
  zoom: 150%;




To reproduce a similar effect with a Mac retina webpage, I would try to catch the function event, and instead of animating the logo ("Neue Liberale") with classes, I would adjust its size and only allow the window to scroll if the logo size was reduced to a certain size.

For example, your logo is 442 pixels wide on page load, let's say you want to shrink it 25% before the class animates and allow the user to scroll down.


body.noscroll {



$(document).ready(function() {
    $("hmtl, body").addClass("noscroll");
    // Storing variables under window so they can be accessed by other scripts as well
    window.logoWidth = $("#logo").width();
    window.animated = false;
    // 'animateOnce' Will run the logo animation only once if set to true
    window.animateOnce = false;

$(document).on("mousewheel", function (e) {
    var switchClass = function() {
            $("html, body").removeClass("noscroll");
            if ($(document).scrollTop() > 10) {
            } else {
    if( e.originalEvent.wheelDeltaY > 0 ) {
        return true;
    }  else {
        var animate = window.animated;
        if( !animate ) {
            var targetW = window.logoWidth * 0.75,
                currW = $("#logo").width(),
                // You can seed the animation up or down by changing the 'increment' (the higer the faster)
                increment = 0.20;
            if( currW > targetW ) {
                $("#logo").width( currW - (currW * increment) ); 
                return false;
            } else {
                if( window.animateOnce )
                    window.animated = true;
                return true; 
        } else {



Here's a JSFiddle for reference.



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