Is the default (TSource) a real method?

The MSDN help page on Enumerable.FirstOrDefault Method has the result of the method explained as:

default (TSource) if the source is empty; otherwise, the first element is in the source.

The notes section contains a note:

The default for reference and null types is null.

I've always done a check for the value null

(VB.NET:) Nothing

, but is there any one default(TSource)

that can be used instead of null/Nothing

literal? (For example default(int)


I cannot find the method default(TSource)

, but it is listed on the help page. Or is it not a method?

EDIT: default(TSource)

appears on the MSDN page for both C # and VB and I'm interested in answering both languages.


source to share

3 answers

I've always done a check for null (VB.NET: Nothing)

This is not entirely correct. Nothing

does not match with null

; Nothing

means null

when assigning or matching to a nullable type (reference type or Nullable<T>

) with =

or when comparing with Is Nothing

and means the default value for the non-nullable type to which it is assigned or compared to =


Hence VB:

Dim b as Boolean = 0 = Nothing ' b is True


is not the same as C #:

bool b = 0 == null; // b is false


but rather:

bool b = 0 == default(int); // b is true


So the VB.NET equivalent is default(T)

valid Nothing

when not being compared to use Is


In VB.NET you are not allowed to do val Is Nothing

with val

not equal to NULL, and in C # you can do val == null

, but it raises a warning (and always does false


In VB.NET, you are allowed to do val Is Nothing

with a generic type, which can be null, as well as C # and val == null

, in which case the check is that val

the type is NULL and that it is null (and no waste in this case, generally, in the case of a null-valued type, jitter optimizes whatever happens if val == null

/ val Is Nothing

, since it knows it can never happen).

The following VB.NET and C # methods are equivalent:

public static bool Demonstrate<T>(T x)
  T y = default(T);
  bool isNull = x == null;
  bool isDefault = x.Equals(default(T));
  int zero = default(int)
  return zero == default(int);

Public Shared Function Demonstrate(Of T)(x As T) As Boolean
  Dim y As T = Nothing
  Dim isNull As Boolean = x Is Nothing
  Dim isDefault As Boolean = x.Equals(Nothing)
  Dim zero As Integer = Nothing
  Return zero = Nothing
End Function




You can use the operator default

which is documented here . It returns null

for reference types and a type-dependent default for value types.



default is a keyword used to get the default value Type

. TSource

is a generic parameter. It's just a place for the type marker.

When a method is called with IEnumerable<int>

, TSource

will int

, TSource

will String

when called with, IEnumerable<String>

and so on. Given what default(TSource)

becomes default(int)

in this case (called with int


There is nothing like this default(TSource)

if there is no type TSource

or a generic parameter named TSource




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