Alternative to not () inside a function

I want to detect if a variable is missing inside a function without calling the function missing()

. I found two alternatives, but both seem rough.

Alternative 1

The missing variable seems to have a class "name" of the environment class, but it seems intuitively wrong to use this construct:

a <- function(a, b){
  e <- environment()
  if(class(e[["b"]]) == "name")
    e$b <- a



Alternative 2

I think a possible solution is to use parse

and eval

, but it seems as rough as the previous solution:

a <- function(a, b){
  e <- environment()
  if(eval(parse(text = sprintf("missing(%s)", "b"))))
    e$b <- a




I need this as I am changing the API and I would like to iterate over all the old argument names in ...

and send a warning that the user should update to the new parameter names. This is why missing()

doesn't work, my current setup is:

# Warnings due to interface changes in 1.0
API_changes <-
  c(rowname = "rnames",
    headings = "header",
    halign = "align.header")
dots <- list(...)
fenv <- environment()
for (i in 1:length(API_changes)){
  old_name <- names(API_changes)[i]
  new_name <- API_changes[i]
  if (old_name %in% names(dots)){
    if (class(fenv[[new_name]]) == "name"){
      fenv[[new_name]] <- dots[[old_name]]
      dots[[old_name]] <- NULL
      warning("Deprecated: '", old_name, "'",
              " argument is now '", new_name ,"'",
              " as of ver. 1.0")
      stop("You have set both the old parameter name: '", old_name, "'",
           " and the new parameter name: '", new_name, "'.")



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1 answer

Gosh, do I really need to point you to the appropriate record fortune

regarding eval(parse())

? Anyway, what happened to the skewed content dots<-list(...)

? This is not at all the time.

But my main answer is, you made a mistake by allowing valid or invalid arguments in entries ...

. I don't know why you set up your previous function in this way, but it is probably much cleaner and safer to eventually eliminate this construct from your updated version. There's a reason why features & packages come with help pages. As much as I approve of backward compatibility, I don't think you are doing anyone a favor. Also, it is not clear to me how or why you want the required argument to be passed through ...

. And if that isn't required, then you don't want to emulate missing

in the first place.

Your users will very quickly :-) realize that they have invalid argument names. Regardless of whether you provide this transitional set of warning messages, they either adapt or emigrate from your code to other parameters.



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