Implementation "Applicative (free f)"

For Free Monad


data Free f a = Var a
               | Node (f (Free f a)) 


I have implemented instance Functor (Free f)


instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
  fmap g (Var x)  = Var (g x)
  fmap g (Node x) = Node $ fmap (\y -> fmap g y) x


Then I tried to implement instance Applicative (Free f)


instance Functor f => Applicative (Free f) where
    pure x                = Var x


My intuition is what var x

is the correct definition pure


However, whether or not it is correct, I am not sure how to implement <*>


In particular, is it necessary to support the following cases? Please note that I ignored the composition Var

and Node

using _


(Var _) <*> (Var _)
(Var _) <*> (Node _)
(Node _) <*> (Var _)
(Node _) <*> (Node _)


Please give me a hint as to whether the above cases should match.

Also, provide me with an intuition as to what it means for both instances to Free f a

exist on either side of <*>



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2 answers

Defining Monad and using ap

for <*>

(and return

for pure

, or course) works:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}

import Control.Applicative  -- <$>
import Control.Monad        -- ap

data Free f a = A a | F (f (Free f a)) 

instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
  fmap g (A a)  = A (g a)
  fmap g (F fv) = F ((g <$>) <$> fv)

instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
  return = A
  A a  >>= k = k a
  F fv >>= k = F ((k =<<) <$> fv)

-- ap mf mv = mf >>= \f-> mv >>= \v-> return f v

instance Functor f => Applicative (Free f) where
  pure = return
  fg <*> fv = ap fg fv

-- from
instance (Show (f (Free f a)), Show a) => Show (Free f a) where
    show (A x)  = " A " ++ show x  
    show (F fv) = " F " ++ show fv 


it is easy to handle types , mentally, following the same scheme as

($)                ::   (a -> b) ->   a ->   b
let g=g in (g  $)  ::                 a ->   b
            g      ::   (a -> b)
Functor f =>                        /     \
fmap               ::   (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
let g=g in (g <$>) ::               f a -> f b
            g      ::   (a -> b) 
Applicative f =>      /             /     \
(<*>)              :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
let h=h in (h <*>) ::               f a -> f b
            h      :: f (a -> b)
Monad m =>                  /.------.     \
(=<<)              :: (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
let k=k in (k =<<) ::               m a -> m b
            k      :: (a -> m b)


That's why I used (g <$>)

and (k =<<)

, there.

For creating intuition, see

 #> let x = F [A 10, F [A 20, A 30]]

 #> F[A (+1), A (+2)] <*> x
 F [ F [ A 11, F [ A 21, A 31]], F [ A 12, F [ A 22, A 32]]]

 #> A (+1) <*> F[x, x]
 F [ F [ A 11, F [ A 21, A 31]], F [ A 11, F [ A 21, A 31]]]

 #> (\a-> (+1) <$> F [A a, A (a+1)]) =<< x
 F [ F [ A 11, A 12], F [ F [ A 21, A 22], F [ A 31, A 32]]]




Will Ness give a perfectly legitimate answer using ap

. If you are inline ap

you get this:

instance Functor f => Applicative (Free f) where
  pure = A
  A a <*> A b = A $ a b
  A a <*> F mb = F $ fmap a <$> mb
  F ma <*> b = F $ (<*> b) <$> ma


(Note: recent versions of the package free

use this definition to be as clear as possible.)

As shown by chi , the first two cases can be combined:

  A f <*> x = f <$> x




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