Android with Gradle and Proguard

I just created a new Android library project using Gradle and would like the code to be optimized and obfuscated with Proguard.

Here is the android build.gradle part :

android {
    compileSdkVersion 19
    buildToolsVersion "19.0.1"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 14
        targetSdkVersion 19
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    release {
        runProguard true
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'


When I run gradle build command from terminal it fails at : library: proguardRelease with message:

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':library:proguardRelease'.
> The output jar is empty. Did you specify the proper '-keep' options?


Does anyone know why this is?

gradle 1.10 JVM 1.6.0_65 Progruard 4.10


source to share

1 answer

The following build.gradle

file works for me with Proguard when executed gradlew assembleRelease


Note that it is configured to read keystore information from the config file (and I have included the debug key certificate in the project as it is required for Maps API v2 in debug mode) and passwords from the command line

apply plugin: 'android'

android {
    compileSdkVersion 19
    buildToolsVersion "19.0.0"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 8
        targetSdkVersion 19

    if (project.hasProperty("")
            && new File("")).exists()) {

        Properties props = new Properties()
        props.load(new FileInputStream(file(""))))

        signingConfigs {
            debug {
                storeFile file("gpstest.debug.keystore")

            release {
                storeFile file(props[''])
                keyAlias props['key.alias']
                storePassword "askmelater"
                keyPassword "askmelater"
    } else {
        signingConfigs {
            debug {
                storeFile file("gpstest.debug.keystore")

            release {
                // Nothing here

    buildTypes {
        release {
            runProguard true
            proguardFile 'proguard.cfg'
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release

task askForPasswords << {
    // Must create String because System.readPassword() returns char[]
    // (and assigning that below fails silently)
    def storePw = new String(System.console().readPassword("\nKeystore password: "))
    def keyPw = new String(System.console().readPassword("Key password: "))

    android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword = storePw
    android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword = keyPw

tasks.whenTaskAdded { theTask ->
    if ("packageRelease")) {
        theTask.dependsOn "askForPasswords"

dependencies {
    compile project(':ShowcaseViewLibrary')
    compile ''
    compile 'com.actionbarsherlock:actionbarsherlock:4.4.0@aar'
    compile 'org.jraf:android-switch-backport:1.2'
    compile ''


Here are the instructions for setting up config files to read storage information:

To create a release build, you need to create a "file that points to the" "file and a" "file that points to your keystore and alias. The command gradlew assembleRelease

prompts you for a keyword passphrase.

The "file is in the GPSTest directory and has the following content:<full_path_to_secure_properties_file>


The "" file (at the location specified in has the following content:<full_path_to_keystore_file>



Note that the paths in these files always use the Unix path separator /

, even on Windows. If you are using the Windows path separator \

you will get the errorNo value has been specified for property 'signingConfig.keyAlias'.

Here's the file / project path on Github if you want to clone and test it yourself:


also located in the GPSTest subdirectory (same directory as build.gradle




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