Swift: search array by id

The find function in swift only supports finding equality (==) elements. I want to search for an element by id (===). For example. with this setup:

class A {}

let first = A()
let last = A()
let absent = A()
let array = [first, last]


I want to be able to do something like:

find(array, first) // -> 0
find(array, last) // -> 1
find(array, absent) // -> nil


Does anyone have a correct way to make it fast?


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1 answer

I couldn't find a built-in library function, but this should work:

func findIdenticalObject<T : AnyObject>(array: [T], value: T) -> Int? {
    for (index, elem) in enumerate(array) {
        if elem === value {
            return index
    return nil


The identity operator ===

is only defined for instances of classes, so the generic function is only defined for <T : AnyObject>




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