Need to install categorical corpus reader in NLTK and Python, text texts in one file, one text per line
I am familiar with NLTK and text categorization in Jacob Perkins' Python Text Processing with the NLTK 2.0 Cookbook.
In my documents / texts of the corpus, each one consists of a paragraph of text, so each of them is on a separate line of the file, and not in a separate file. The number of such paragraphs / lines is about 2 million. Therefore, there are about 2 million on machine learning examples.
Every line in my file (paragraph of text is a combination of domain name, description, keywords) that is subject to function extraction: tokenization, etc. to make it an instance for a machine learning algorithm.
I have two files with all the positives and negatives.
How do I upload it to CategorizedCorpusReader? Is it possible?
I've tried other solutions before like scikit and finally chose NLTK, hoping it's easier to start with the result.
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Assuming you have two files:
file_pos.txt, file_neg.txt
from nltk.corpus.reader import CategorizedCorpusReader
reader = CategorizedCorpusReader('/path/to/corpora/', \
r'file_.*\.txt', \
After that, you can apply normal Corpus functions to it, for example:
>>> reader.categories()
['neg', 'pos']
>>> reader.fileids(categories=['neg'])
Also like tagged_sents, tagged_words, etc.
You may like this tutorial on creating a custom wrapper:
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