Can the OR operator be used to specify a pattern in the stringr str_extract_all function?

I am looking at several cells in a data frame and trying to extract any of several character sequences; there is only one of these sequences per cell.

This is what I mean:

dF$newColumn = str_extract_all(string = "dF$column1", pattern ="sequence_1|sequence_2")


Am I pasting the syntax here? Can I pull things like this with stringr? Please correct my ignorance!


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1 answer

Yes you can use |

as it stands for boolean or regex. Here's an example:

vec <- c("abc text", "text abc", "def text", "text def text")
str_extract_all(string = vec, pattern = "abc|def")



[1] "abc"

[1] "abc"

[1] "def"

[1] "def"


However, in your command, you must replace "dF$column1"

with dF$column1

(without quotes).



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