'Emgu.CV.Capture' does not contain definition for 'GrabProcessState'
I am working with EmguCV (x86, x64) and am trying to play a video file. I took one of the Emgu-video examples from the Internet (EmguCV 2.4.2 ...) and I can't even compile it: "Emgu.CV.Capture" doesn't contain a definition for GrabProcessState
. (Is Emgu.CV.dll really critical between 2.4 and 2.9?)
In case I go to build EmguCV 2.4.2, that's ok, but runtime error: "First type exception System.DllNotFoundException
occurred in Emgu.CV.dll First type exception occurred in Emgu.CV.dll An unhandled type System.TypeInitializationException
exception System.TypeInitializationException
occurred in Emgu. Cv.dll
Additional information: The type initializer for Emgu.CV.CvInvoke
threw an exception. "
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