Multiple values โ€‹โ€‹for one key

I have a list containing categories and their acceptance / rejection counts, but there is a problem with this list. I am using LINQ query to access data and I have grouped them by category name and in Accept / Reject (ResultCode) code. Thus, the data is in this form:

enter image description here

Almost all categories have both AP counts and RJ counts. And what I'm trying to do is show that each category accepts and rejects an invoice. What should I use? Hashtables don't fit into this problem, I tried a dictionary with int List as value but couldn't add when the same key came up.


List<ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.AllCategories> allcats = new List<ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.AllCategories>();
Dictionary<string, ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.ResultCode> dict = new Dictionary<string, ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.ResultCode>();
ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.ResultCode x = new ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.ResultCode();
allcats = reportBLL.GetAllCats(model.ModId, model.ReportStartDate, model.ReportEndDate);
        if (allcats != null)
            model.AllCatsList = new List<ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.AllCategories>();

            foreach (var item in allcats)
                x.Accepted = item.Count;
                x.Rejected = item.Count;
                dict.Add(item.Category, x);




public List<AllCategories> GetAllCats(int modId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
        using (entities = new ModReportingEntities())
            var query = (from c in entities.Content
                         where c.ModId == modId && c.CreatedTime >= startDate && c.CreatedTime <= endDate && c.Category != null
                         group c by new { c.Category, c.ResultCode } into g
                         orderby g.Count() ascending
                         select new AllCategories
                             Category = g.Key.Category,
                             ResultCode = g.Key.ResultCode,
                             AcceptCount = g.Count(),
                             RejectCount = g.Count()

            return query.ToList();



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3 answers

My colleague and I realized that we can track a category, and if the same category happens, it means that only its field (either AcceptCount or RejectCount) needs to be changed. So, we created a lambda expression like this:

foreach(var item in allcats)
                if (model.AllCategories.Select(m => m).Where(x => x.Category == item.Category).ToList().Count == 0) 
                    if (item.ResultCode == "AP") {
                        model.AllCategories.Add(new ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.AllCategories()
                            Category = item.Category,
                            AcceptCount = item.Count
                        model.AllCategories.Add(new ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.AllCategories()
                            Category = item.Category,
                            RejectCount = item.Count
                    ModReportingDM.ReportObjects.AllCategories x = model.AllCategories.Select(n => n).Where(y => y.Category == item.Category).ToList().First();
                    if (item.ResultCode == "AP") 
                        x.AcceptCount = item.Count;
                        x.RejectCount = item.Count; 


If the same category happens, go ahead and change its AcceptCount or RejectCount accordingly. This is how I solved the problem.



What I would do is create a class ResultCode


public class ResultCode
    public int Ap { get; set; }
    public int Rj { get; set; }


and then use Dictionary<string, ResultCode>

that maps each category to your report.

You can also take a different approach, using Tuple<T1, T2>

(which I personally don't like) that simply maps your key to two different values:

Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, int>> categoryToResultCode;




 List<Tuple<string, string, int>> listOfTuples = new List<Tuple<string, string, int>>();
            Tuple<string, string, int> tupleItem1 = new Tuple<string, string, int>("A", "AP", 1);


You can use Tuple. Please refer to



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