Exit the Kafka Console Consumer when all messages have been read

I know there must be a way to do this, but I cannot figure it out. I need to stop the kafka consumer as soon as I have read all messages from the queue.

Can anyone provide information on this?


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4 answers

You can pass the parameter: -consumer-timeout-ms with a value when starting the consumer, and it will throw an exception if no messages have been read in that time. For example, to stop a consumer if no new messages have been received in the last 2 seconds: kafka.consumer.ConsoleConsumer -consumer-timeout-ms 2000

You can see this and all other input options here



You can use SimpleConsumerShell without the wait-at-logend option. See SystemTools-SimpleConsumerShell

For example:

./kafka-run-class.bat kafka.tools.SimpleConsumerShell --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic kafkademo --partition 0 --no-wait-at-logend




Currently Kafka version 2.11-2.1.1 has a script called kafka-console-consumer.sh


He has a new flag: --timeout-ms


Essentially, this flag is the maximum time to wait before exiting when there is no new log to wait. This is in a millisecond time frame.

You can use this property to shutdown your console consumer after reading all messages.



If you are not in the mood for using the Scala client, try kafkacat with a help -e

telling it to exit when the end of the section is reached.

eg. to destroy all messages from mitopic section 2 and then exit:

$ kafkacat -b mybroker -t mytopic -p 2 -o beginning -e


Or use the last 3000 posts and then exit:

$ kafkacat -b mybroker -t mytopic -p 2 -o -3000 -e




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