Displaying created / modified django_extensions fields in the admin interface

I have a class based on TimeStampedModel

from django-extentions


from model_utils.models import TimeStampedModel

class MyClass(TimeStampedModel):


By default, in the admin interface, fields created

and are modified

not displayed on the edit page my_app/myclass/id


I tried this hack to force the fields to appear created

and modified

on the admin edit page for MyClass


from django.contrib import admin

from my_app.models import MyClass

class MyClassAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    fields = MyClass._meta.get_all_field_names()

admin.site.register(MyClass, MyClassAdmin)


But this resulted in the following exception:

Exception Type:     FieldError
Exception Value:    Unknown field(s) (modified, created) specified for MyClass. Check fields/fieldsets/exclude attributes of class MyClassAdmin.


Any idea how I can display the field created

and modified

in the Admin version MyClass


Note 1: MyClass

- This is a model with a lot of fields including fields ManyToMany

. I can display all fields except fields created

and modified

from the base class TimeStampedModel


Note 2: The help page in the link is the line edition page:my_app/myclass/id


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2 answers

The solution is to use the attribute readonly_fields


from django.contrib import admin

from my_app.models import MyClass

class MyClassAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    readonly_fields = ('created', 'modified', )

admin.site.register(MyClass, MyClassAdmin)




Created and modified are self-service fields. I think it's not a good idea to "hack" the functionality. You can display these fields in a list as shown below:

For many, many problems:

def <funcname>(self, obj):
    return ', '.join([object.<object_field_you_want_to_display> for object in obj.<manyTomanyField>.all()])

<funcname>.short_description = 'Wanted name for column'


Then in list_display:

list_display = (...., '<funcname>')


And then you want to display all the fields you want (created and modified)

list_display(...all fields you want ..., '<funcname>', 'created', 'modified')


But if you still think this is a good idea, you should add these fields to your template (/includes/fieldset.html). But you have to write a context processor and / or template tag first to get the value of the entry ... and so on ...



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