BETWEEN condition select only one row Symfony2


:startPrice = 180
:targetPrice = 300


In the database I have a price column and you need to find all rows where the price column lies between 180 and 300.

Price values ​​in the database:

 price = 270
 price = 278


So as we can see that the query I wrote below should fetch rhese two rows, but I only get the first one (270).

Can someone explain to me why the BETWEEN condition only fetches one row from the DB? Here is the DB Query Builder:

$query = $result = $this->getEntityManager()
        ->from('VputiTripBundle:Trip', 't');
               ->andWhere('t.price > :startPrice')
                ->andWhere('t.price < :targetPrice');
            $parameters = [
                'startPrice' => $startPrice,
                'targetPrice' => $targetPrice,


Query line:

'SELECT t FROM VputiTripBundle:Trip t WHERE t.price > :startPrice AND t.price < :targetPrice'



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1 answer

Try it like this:

$queryBuilder = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();

$query = $queryBuilder
        ->from('VputiTripBundle:Trip', 't')
        ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->between('t.price', ':startPrice', ':targetPrice'))
            'startPrice' => $startPrice,
            'targetPrice' => $targetPrice


        return $query->getResult();




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