Create Unix Slave with Jenkins Groovy script

I would like to know how to create a unix-slave with Jenkins Groovy script and run the slave. I have the following code and it works great. However, it does not create an ssh parameter in the slave and does not start the slave. I can see JNLPLauncher (), I think I need to change it like ssh launcher. I would appreciate any help, even if it points to documentation, which I can't seem to find. Additionally, this code is designed to start the slave during build and remove the slave after the build is complete. I need to do a dynamic subordinate assignment according to an option selected by the user. Therefore any other ideas on how to do this are appreciated.

import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.slaves.*

  new DumbSlave(
    "test slave description",
    new JNLPLauncher(),
    new RetentionStrategy.Always(),
    new LinkedList()))



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2 answers

RemoteLauncher is probably the one you want.



This is the answer I found on the Cloudbees support site that got me where I needed to be. The important line is import hudson.plugins.sshslaves.*

because SSHLauncher is part of the plugin.


import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.slaves.*
import hudson.plugins.sshslaves.*
import java.util.ArrayList;
import hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.Entry;

  List<Entry> env = new ArrayList<Entry>();
  env.add(new Entry("key1","value1"))
  env.add(new Entry("key2","value2"))
  EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty envPro = new EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty(env);
  Slave slave = new DumbSlave(
                    "agent-node","Agent node description",
                    new SSHLauncher("agenNode",22,"user","password","","","","",""),
                    new RetentionStrategy.Always(),
                    new LinkedList())




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