A developer-friendly OBD-II handheld diagnostic tool for cars?

I want to streamline some of the data that I record about my vehicles. My current approach is a hand-edited spreadsheet with a ton of columns that I have to populate with every fill and maintenance. I started building an Android app that will instead persist in a hosted database, but I would like to simplify it even further. Rather than requiring inputs like odometer, trip, oil life, etc., I would like to grab them from the OBD-II diagnostic port .

I've seen several that have their own apps, but I'm looking for one that supports third party polling and APIs. Has anyone had experience with this?


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in general, these Bluetooth ODB2 adapters work with modem protocol with AT commands. So you can connect to them via Bluetooth serial protocol and send commands. Starting point in terms of documentation and the bluetooth adapter available to it:




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