Can I install .NET 3.5 if I already have .NET 4.0 installed?

I have a Windows 7 laptop that has .NET 4 installed.

It also has folders for .NET versions 2, 3, and 3.5 in% WinDir%, but core assemblies like mscorlib.dll and so on are only present in the 2.0 and 4.0 folders. The rest of them have very few DLLs and are mostly just configuration files.

My goal is to compare items in a version 3.5 assembly with version 4 of the same DLL.

My questions are: a) Can I install version 3.5 from the Microsoft website and then compare the two versions?

b) If I install version 3.5 now, will it be related to version 4 already installed on my machine?


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2 answers


You can install and run multiple versions of the .NET Framework on your computer. You can install versions in any order.

For your first question, you can also take a look at the MSDN documentation and compare them, but having .NET 3.5 may not hurt if you plan on using it anyway.



You already have 3.5, it was pre-installed with Win7.

What you see in the directories is normal, all the major assemblies in the structure like mscorlib.dll as well as the CLR are still 2.0..NET versions 3.0 and 3.5 only added new assemblies, they didn't include the new version. It's still 2.0.50727. The next version of the new version was 4.0.30319. Notice how 4.5 uses it, the same idea.

So, nothing to do, you already have it.



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