Show and hide arrow icon according to sorting in angular.js

I am trying to show and hide an arrow icon according to sorting. I am new to angular js please help I am using bootstrap

<div ng-controller="PurchasesCtrl">
    <table class="table">
        <tr >

            <th  ng-click="changeSorting('username')" >UserName <span  class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"></span><span  class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></span></th>
            <th   ng-click="changeSorting('usertype')">UserType</th>
            <th  ng-click="changeSorting('age')" >Age</th>
        <tr ng-repeat="purchase in|orderBy:sort.column:sort.descending">

            <td >{{purchase.username}}</td>


angular js sort

var myApp = angular.module ("myApp", []);

myApp.factory("Purchases", function(){
    var Purchases = {}; = [
            username: "suraj kumar gosi",
            usertype: "sponer",
            age: "20"

            username: "kao kumar gosi",
            usertype: "clinet",
            age: "26"
             username: "surdfsdfaj kumar gosi",
            usertype: "clinfsdfset",
            age: "50"
    return Purchases;

function PurchasesCtrl($scope, Purchases){
    $scope.purchases = Purchases;
    $scope.sort = {
        column: '',
        descending: false


    $scope.changeSorting = function(column) {

        var sort = $scope.sort;

        if (sort.column == column) {
            sort.descending = !sort.descending;
        } else {
            sort.column = column;
            sort.descending = false;


pardon me. thank you in advance


source to share

2 answers

Update 2: Ok, this is much better than my previous answer. Fiddle


<th ng-click="changeSorting('username')">

    <!-- <i> is common for icons -->
    <i class="glyphicon" ng-class="getIcon('username')"></i>

<tr ng-repeat="purchase in | 


Then in your controller:

$scope.sort = {
  active: '',
  descending: undefined

$scope.changeSorting = function(column) {

  var sort = $scope.sort;

  if ( == column) {
     sort.descending = !sort.descending;
  else { = column;
    sort.descending = false;

$scope.getIcon = function(column) {

  var sort = $scope.sort;

  if ( == column) {
    return sort.descending
      ? 'glyphicon-chevron-up'
      : 'glyphicon-chevron-down';

  return 'glyphicon-star';




Check this plunker: plunker to show icons when sorting

Instead of changing the icons with an additional function, we can use css and a sort function: `$ scope.reverse = false; $ scope.sortKey = 'title';

        $scope.sort = function (keyname) {
            $scope.sortKey = keyname;
            $scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse;
        } `


and Html like this:

    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        body {
            padding-top: 30px;
        .sortorder:after {
            content: '\25b2';
        .sortorder.descending:after {
            content: '\25bc';
    <div class="container" ng-app="bookApp" ng-controller="bookController">
        <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover">
                    <td style="width: 70px;">Sr. No.</td>
                    <td ng-click="sort('title')">Book Title
<span class="sortorder descending" ng-hide="(sortKey=='title' && reverse==true)"></span>
<span class="sortorder" ng-hide="(sortKey=='title' && reverse==false)"></span>
                    <td ng-click="sort('author')">Author
 <span class="sortorder descending" ng-hide="(sortKey=='author' && reverse==true)"></span>
<span class="sortorder" ng-hide="(sortKey=='author' && reverse==false)"></span>
                    <td ng-click="sort('price')">Price
<span class="sortorder descending" ng-hide="(sortKey=='price' && reverse==true)"></span>
<span class="sortorder" ng-hide="(sortKey=='price' && reverse==false)"></span>
                <tr ng-repeat="book in bookList | orderBy: sortKey:reverse">
                    <td>{{ $index +1 }}</td>
                    <td>{{ book.title }}</td>
                    <td>{{ }}</td>
                    <td>{{ book.price }}</td>
        var bookApp = angular.module("bookApp", []);
        bookApp.controller('bookController', function ($scope) {
            $scope.bookList = [
            { "title": "Hobbit", "author": "Aman", "price": 700 },
            { "title": "Lord of the rings", "author": "Sameer", "price": 1000 },
            { "title": "Harry Porter", "author": "Anuj", "price": 650 },
            { "title": "The little prince", "author": "Jatin", "price": 870 },
            { "title": "Angels and Demons", "author": "Shivam", "price": 890 }
            $scope.reverse = false;
            $scope.sortKey = 'title';

            $scope.sort = function (keyname) {
                $scope.sortKey = keyname;
                $scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse;

body {
            padding-top: 30px;
        .sortorder:after {
            content: '\25b2';
        .sortorder.descending:after {
            content: '\25bc';

    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        body {
            padding-top: 30px;
        .sortorder:after {
            content: '\25b2';
        .sortorder.descending:after {
            content: '\25bc';
    <div class="container" ng-app="bookApp" ng-controller="bookController">
        <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover">
                    <td style="width: 70px;">Sr. No.</td>
                    <td ng-click="sort('title')">Book Title
<span class="sortorder descending" ng-hide="(sortKey=='title' && reverse==true)"></span>
<span class="sortorder" ng-hide="(sortKey=='title' && reverse==false)"></span>
                    <td ng-click="sort('author')">Author
 <span class="sortorder descending" ng-hide="(sortKey=='author' && reverse==true)"></span>
<span class="sortorder" ng-hide="(sortKey=='author' && reverse==false)"></span>
                    <td ng-click="sort('price')">Price
<span class="sortorder descending" ng-hide="(sortKey=='price' && reverse==true)"></span>
<span class="sortorder" ng-hide="(sortKey=='price' && reverse==false)"></span>
                <tr ng-repeat="book in bookList | orderBy: sortKey:reverse">
                    <td>{{ $index +1 }}</td>
                    <td>{{ book.title }}</td>
                    <td>{{ }}</td>
                    <td>{{ book.price }}</td>
        var bookApp = angular.module("bookApp", []);
        bookApp.controller('bookController', function ($scope) {
            $scope.bookList = [
            { "title": "Hobbit", "author": "Aman", "price": 700 },
            { "title": "Lord of the rings", "author": "Sameer", "price": 1000 },
            { "title": "Harry Porter", "author": "Anuj", "price": 650 },
            { "title": "The little prince", "author": "Jatin", "price": 870 },
            { "title": "Angels and Demons", "author": "Shivam", "price": 890 }
            $scope.reverse = false;
            $scope.sortKey = 'title';

            $scope.sort = function (keyname) {
                $scope.sortKey = keyname;
                $scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse;

Run codeHide result



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