Show or hide SSRS column based on specific parameter value

I'm having trouble showing / hiding a column based on the selected parameter value.

How my report is set up: Parameter: ImportStatus --ImportStatus parameter has three values ​​that you can choose: M, V, E

If I choose ImportStatus = 'M' then I want a specific column to appear in the report.

Currently, if I go to the column column screen of the column I want to show / hide, I can hide the column for all values ​​and not specific ones. Any idea how to do this correctly?

My expression:

=IIF(Parameters!ImportStatus.Value = "M",true,false)



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1 answer


=IIF(Parameters!ImportStatus.Value = "M",true,false)


will give the same result as

=(Parameters!ImportStatus.Value = "M")


Expression indicates whether to hide the column, so to show the column where @ImportStatus = "M", you simply change the logic:

=Not(Parameters!ImportStatus.Value = "M")




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